Charleston's premier Computer Repair Company
We work at area hospitals on various pieces of equipment. Sometimes we have to dress to go into operating room areas just like the staff.
We install video walls, mount menu boards, and install TV's from 24" to 120" on various surfaces in your house, office, or store. Ask us for a quote to get your screen installed.
We can install cameras in your home, office, rental, or retail space. We can recommend access systems, alarm systems and security products that you can use to meet your needs.
As a member of our Platinum Membership we can provide managed Anti-virus / spam-ware protection for less than 10 cents a day.
For the LOW LOW Price of $39.99 a month, you get 24/7 monitoring, 4 hours of onsite labor per year or remote assistance as needed, cleaning, Disk Defragmentation, Cache Cleanup, Peripheral Device Analysis, Hard Drive Analysis, Scanning and Removal of Viruses, Operating System Updates, Help desk, Monthly Reports, Onsite Repairs and/or Remote Connections with remote repairs. We can help with E-Mail issues, Printers, Wi-Fi settings, Web Cams, Security Systems, Cameras, and more.